Col 2: Payment Code
This is a code to indicate what a person pays to participate in an event.
The payments are for non-WPOC members.
Code 0: $6 per map (groups can then share maps)
Code 1: $5 per person (everyone must have his/her own map)
Code 2: FREE (there is no payment)
Code 3: $6 for two maps (used for sprints)
Code 4: $20 or $35 per person (when both 3-hr and 6-hr courses are on the same day of a mini-rogaine)
Code 5: $18 or $30 per person (when both 3-hr and 6-hr courses are on the same day of a mini-rogaine)
Code 6: Currently not used
Code 7: For non-WPOC events
Col 3: Offer Code
This is a code to indicate the structure of the event, the kind of courses offered.
Code 0: Cross-country courses, usually five ranging from Beginner (White) to Advanced Long (Red)
Code 1: Cross-country courses for beginners and a score course for intermediate and advanced
Code 2: Instruction for beginners and intermediates and exercises for advanced
Code 3: Ski-orienteering, usually with two or three cross-country courses
Code 4: Night orienteering, usually with one multi-level score course
Code 5: Street orienteering, usually with one multi-level score course set on the streets
Code 6: A single multi-level score course, controls set at all skill levels
Code 7: Sprints, usually two beginner-level and two advanced-level courses
Code 8: Special (used for mini-rogaines)
Code 9: Unknown - the type of courses has not been decided yet
Code 10: Score course for beginners and novices; cross-country courses for intermediate and advanced
Code 11: Beginner and Novice courses and two scramble courses
Code 12: Beginner and Novice courses and two scatter courses
Code 13: For non-WPOC events
Col 4: Date
is the date of the event. Many formats are possible; I use d mmm
yyyy or dd mmm yyyy where mmm is the month abbreviation as in 25 Apr 2021
Col 5: Park
This is the name of the park or area where the event will be held.
This must be at least two words long and the first word must be
the first word in the name of the park or area. For parks with divided areas or uses, an additional word is
required. For example, for Yellow Creek, the words North or South must be included; for Laurel Ridge, the word Ski must be included
for a ski-o event and must not be used for foot-o. Also, to distinguish the Babcock Bog & Boulder Challenge from regular event at the
Babcock Division, the word Bog must be included when scheduling the former. If two events are to be held in the same park during a year, the last
character of the name must distinguish them with a number, for example North Park 1 and North Park 2
Park names are case-sensitive.
See the file
Col 6: Shelter
This is the name of the facility (shelter/pavilion) we will use. This may be blank; but it is probably better to say something
like TBA.
Col 7: Times
is a description of the registration/start times. There is no
required form, except no commas allowed; all of these are reasonable: 11 am to 2 pm
or 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm check-in; 9:00 pm mass start
or Instruction: beginner 11 am and 1 pm;
intermediate Noon
Col 8: Sequence
A number showing the order in which the events are entered into this file. The first event is number 0.
Most of the time, this information is not used for anything. However, this column is used as a flag to indicate an event will offer
a bike-o course in addition to whatever courses there are. The flag works like this: Instead of whatever sequence number would normally
be in this column, to indicate there is a bike-o just add 100 to the sequence number; for example, enter 106 instead of 6.
Col 9: Notes
additional information related to registration. For example, you
could have Special pricing for score course or you could have a link
that leads to details of the training event. Links must be
written in HTML, as in <a
href="trainingpreview.htm">details</a> This creates a
link that looks like details
which when clicked on goes to the file trainingpreview.htm
Col 10: Courses
This is where you specify exactly what courses will be offered, not just the general category like the offer code.
You may describe the courses anyway you want (again, except no commas allowed).
Col 11: Director
Specify the last name of the person responsible for designing and setting the courses.
Col 12: Flyer
of a file that gives driving directions and shows a one line entry for
the event similar to what is shown in the calendar (schedule).
Flyer files generally have names that begin with the park name
and contain the word "flyer" however, some parks have multiple flyer
files because we use different facilities. For example, here are
a couple flyer file names for North Park: northparkflyerdonora.php
and northparkflyergrant.php.
Flyer names are case-sensitive. See the file called
parknflyernames.htm Whatever is put in this column is used to form the link in the schedule page so that when
someone clicks on the park name in the schedule it goes to the directions page (or for non-WPOC events it goes to that event's description page)..
Col 13: Near/In
Specifies the name of a town near the event or that the event is in to help people find it.
Col 14: !
Column 14 must contain an exclamation point and nothing else.
A word of warning about putting certain HTML in any of the columns.
I have found that when Excel converts my spreadsheet to .csv
form, it handles anything in double quotes badly. For example,
above is an example of how to make a link for column 9; it contains double quotes
around the file name - a requirement for the HTML. In the .csv file, the text is changed to
the following:
During uploading, these extra double quotes in this
situation are removed; however, in general
you should avoid using double quotes unless they are syntactically required.