Park Names and Flyer File Names

In the offeringdata.csv file, you must specify the name of the park where an event will take place and the file name of the flyer that provides driving directions.  The following table provides a list of possibilities for these values.  The park names are just examples; the main requirement is that each one must be at least two words.  So, for Keystone State Park, any of the following are valid:  Keystone State Park, Keystone State, Keystone  Park, Keystone S.P.  Similarly, other park names can have various forms; but should have at least the name of the area as the first word. There are a couple of exceptions: with Yellow Creek, the park name must include the word "North" or "South" and with Laurel Ridge, if it is a ski-o, the word "Ski" must be included. For each location, there are one or more flyer files.  Each flyer file reflects the shelter or pavilion that will be used.  If the event is based at a shelter/pavilion that we have never used before, a new flyer file may need to be created.  All flyer file names contain at least part of the park name, the letters "flyer" and end with .php. Any of the existing flyer files can be used as a template for creating a new one.  Note:  file names and park names are case sensitive.

Park Name Flyer File Name(s)
Babcock Bog & Boulder Challenge (at the Babcock Division) 3bcflyer.php
Babcock Division of Gallitzin State Forest (regular event) babcockflyer.php
Beaver Library (not a park) beaverflyer.php
Blue Spruce Park bluespruceflyer.php
Boyce Park boyceflyerwest.php and  boyceflyereast.php
Bradys Run Park bradysrunflyerp3.php
Bushy Run Battlefield bushyrunflyer.php
Deer Lakes Park deerlakesflyer.php
Forbes State Forest forbesflyer.php
Frick Park frickflyer.php
Hartwood Acres hartwoodflyereast.php   and   hartwoodflyerwest.php
Heritage Reservation heritageflyer.php
IUP Co-Op Recreational Park lodgeflyer.php  and  iupfarmflyer.php
Keystone State Park keystoneflyereast.php  and   keystoneflyerwest.php
Laurel Hill State Park laurelhillflyerwillis.php and laurelhillflyertrent.php
Laurel Ridge State Park laurelridgeflyer.php
Laurel Ridge Ski Area laurelridgeskiflyer.php
Mingo Creek Park mingoflyer.php
North Park northparkflyergrant.php  and  northparkflyerdonora.php   and northparkflyerwyoming.php   and  northparkflyerrose.php and northparkflyermiller.php
Northmoreland Park northmorelandflyer.php
Pine Ridge Park pineridgeflyerlodge.php  and  pineridgeflyertomsrun.php
Prince Gallitzin State Park princegallitzinflyer.php
Raccoongaine (at Raccoon Creek State Park) raccoonflyer3.php (3-hr only),  raccoonflyer6.php (6-hr only) or raccoonflyer.php (both 3-hr and 6-hr on same day)
South  Park southparkflyergrant.php and southparkflyerdiana.php and southparkflyercottage.php
Stackhouse  Park stackhouseflyer.php
Yellow Creek State Park North Side yellowcreeknorthflyer.php
Yellow Creek State Park South Side yellowcreeksouthflyer.php