Download a Mini-Rogaine Registration File

Use this page to download the preregistration files for Raccoongaine or the Babcock Bog & Boulder Challenge. The menu below lets you select either the 3-hour registrants or 6-hour registrants for either event. These files should be downloaded and saved as .csv files. The form for these files is complex: First there is a line with team information; this is followed by one line of information for each member of the team. Here is the basic structure:

Surname;First Name;Club;SI Number;SI Rent Request;Start Time;Entry Class;Course;Federation ID;;E-mail;Size;Emergency;Campers
;Member;Phone No.;Address;Age;Gender;Disc.;Order;;;;;

"Surname" holds the team name; "First Name" is empty; "SI Rent Request" is Y or N; "Start Time" is empty; "Course" is either 3-hr or 6-hr; "Federation ID" and the next field are empty; "E-mail" is the team contact address; "Size" is the number of members; "Emergency" is the emergency phone number; and "Campers" is the number of camping (not used). Other fields are obvious.

Then for each member: The first field is empty; "Member" is the person's name; "Disc.", "Order" and other following fields are empty. Other fields are obvious.

You must provide the password to download.


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