IUP Orienteering Club 

The Indiana University of Pennsylvania Orienteering Club (IUPOC) is one of the last university based orienteering clubs in the USA. The club started in 1972 and for many years was associated with the ROTC program at IUP. However, it has operated on its own until 2003 when lack of student interest caused the club to fold.

 The club contact information below is NOT valid anymore.

For an simple explanation of what orienteering is all about, try this description of orienteering by Heather Williams; or to learn about using compasses, try compass lessons by Kjetil Kjernsmo; or for a more technical aspect, try for an explanation of control descriptions by Mike Currie and Steve Lang.

Club Officers

Faculty Advisor:        Jim Wolfe           jlwolfe@iup.edu
Club meetings are usually held on Wednesdays at 4:30 pm in Stright 319 during the Spring and Fall school terms. Dues are $5 per year.

Ways to reach us:

Club Contact:   Jim Wolfe               For information about the club and its activities.
Alumni Contact: Mark Frank
Send e-mail for Mark to Orienteer7@aol.com   This is still valid
To join the IUPOC Alumni e-mail news distribution list, to get info on IUPOC reunions and possible contacts with other old members, to post news that you would like other IUPOC alumni to know, etc.  If you are a Facebook member, you can get more information from the IUP Orienteering Alumni Facebook page

Club e-mail: Send to jlwolfe@iup.edu  This is no longer valid

Phone:      (724) 357-6104 (days) or (814) 255-6606 (nights) - Jim Wolfe
Snail:      IUP Orienteering Club
             319 Stright Hall, IUP
             210 S. 10th Street
             Indiana, PA  15705

Scheduled O Meets put on by IUPOC ------ EVERYONE WELCOME

There are NO IUPOC events scheduled.  

The cost to participate in each meet is $3. All maps are 5-color and basically meets IOF standards. Black and white  maps of Camp Seph Mack or Blue Spruce may be used if there aren't enough color maps for an event. Cross-country courses are color coded - White, Yellow, Orange, Green, Red, Blue in increasing order of difficulty and length and are listed by a single letter designator: W Y O G R B. (We do not usually have Red and Blue courses.) Score courses have a time limit; you try to get as far as you can in the designated time, with penalties for being late. Contact person for all meets: Jim Wolfe

  • For results of our past meets, look at results.
  • For directions to College Lodge, the University Farm, Camp Seph Mack, or Blue Spruce Park choose the appropriate link.
  • For Orienteering Meets put on by nearby clubs, look at  opportunities
  • For information about other orienteering clubs around the world, look at links.
  • For magazines and journals about orienteering, look at publications.
  • For the person who maintains this page, look at advisor.
  • For information about IUP, look at the university.