Orienteering Magazines and Journals
Courtesy of B.O. Myrold, Hans Breckle, Francesco Lari, and Zsigmond Makra
Orienteering World
International Orienteering Federation
Box 76
S-191 21 Sollentuna, Sweden
English - 6 times a year. Good general coverage of orienteering.
Scientific Journal of Orienteering
International Orienteering Federation
Box 76
S-191 21 Sollentuna, Sweden
English - 2 times a year. Technical, sports psycology and physiology.
Compass Sport
25 The Hermitage
Eliot Hill
London SE13 7EH, UK
English - 6 times a year. By far the best English language orienteering magazine - on it's best it is on par with Skogssport.
Internation Rogaining Federation Newsletter
Only known address is the online link.
The Australian Orienteer
PO Box 263
Jamieson Centre
ACT 2614, Australia
English - 6 times a year. Good coverage of Australian orienteers at home and abroad.
Orienteering North America
SM & L Berman Publishing Co
23 Fayette St
Cambridge MA 02139-1111 USA
English - 10 times a year. Enthusiasm and strong local flavor.
Paul Grn
Prinz Eugenstrasse 12
A-1040 Wien, Austria
German - 6 times a year.*
Joachim Gerhardt
Kresseweg 11/603
D-01169 Dresden, Germany
Phone/Fax: +49-351-4117467
German - 5..6 times a year.
Yvonne Caspari
alte Landstrasse 56
CH-8803 Rschlikon
German (with one page French and one page Italian) - 12 times a year. Many color maps, good race reports. Perfected the art of black and white reproduction of O-maps.
Le Point d'orientation
French -12 times a year.*
Ligne d'Arret
French -6 times a year.*
Suomen Suunistusliitto
Radiokatu 12
SF-00240 Helsinki, Finland
Finnish - 18 times a year. Many race reports and results.
Idrottens Hus
S-123 87 Farsta, Sverige
Swedish - 12 times a year. Probably the best (if you can read Swedish). Many maps, good in depth coverage of most aspects of orienteering.
Norges Orienterings Forbund
Hauger Skolevei 1
N-1351 Rud, Norway
Norwegian - 8 times a year. Good color maps, more style than content.
Idrtens Hus
Brndby Stadion 20
DK-2605 Brndby, Danmark
Danish - 6 times a year. Strong local color, more international reports as Danish runners perform better.
Orienteering Japan
7-9-5, Hino-minami
Yokohama, 233 Japan
Japanese - 12 times a year. Will help you find any and all orienteering events in Japan even if you can't read Japanese. Will be much more useful if you read Japanese.
Piazzetta Serego, 1
37121 Verona
tel. +39-45-8030601 Fax 8030646
Italian - 12 times a year. Results, etc. In the December issue is included the Vademecum, with the complete calendar of Italian O-races, the ranking and the rules.
News of the Budapesti Tajfuto Szovetseg
(Budapest Orienteering Federation)
Chief editor: Schell Antal
1053 Budapest
Kuria u. 3. II/2
Tel: 36-1-118-0933/292
10 times a year
News of the Hungarian Orienteering Federation
12 times a year
* The information about these magazines is taken from O-International (Beat Renz 1984) and might be somewhat out-dated.