Control Visitations
3rd Babcock Bog & Boulder Challenge

The following tables show how many teams on the 3-Hour and 6-Hour races visited each control.  Naturally, we don't have any statistics on how many failed attempts to visit each conrol were made.  But, because of the fog, it is likely that there were quite a few such attempts.  Here are a few observations based on the tables and the splits.  There were 16 3-Hour teams and 30 6-Hour teams.  The most visited control was #31 (39 visits) - not surprising; it was the closest to the start/finish; still 7 teams chose not to visit it.  Control #46 was a close second with 35 visits.  The least visited was control #52 with only 8 total visits - also not a surprise as it was one of the fringe control.  Controls #65 and #64 also had low numbers of visits.  The most controls any team visited on the 3-Hour was 16; the least was 5.  For the 6-Hour obviously the most by a team was 40 as three teams cleared the course; the least was 6.  The average number of controls visited by 3-Hour teams was 9 or 10; the average for 6-Hour teams was 22.

As course designer, I was pleased to see that every control was visited by at least one team in the 3-hour race.  That usually does not happen as some controls are often considered too far out for anyone in the 3-Hour.  I was also pleased with the start as controls #31, #33 and #34 were the first controls visited by nearly all teams, each getting substantial numbers of visits first.  This meant that there were at least three significantly different route plans among the teams.  However, route choice differences did not immediately show up in  the top 3 out of 4 teams in the 6-Hour race; they followed the same route for the first 20 controls and then differences started to show  up.

Control 3-Hour Visits 6-Hour Visits Total Visits
31 11 28 39
32 3 10 13
33 9 17 26
34 7 24 31
35 7 15 22
36 3 22 25
37 3 24 27
38 2 20 22
39 2 9 11
40 2 16 18
41 3 22 25
42 2 19 21
43 4 18 22
44 4 8 12
45 1 14 15
46 11 24 35
51 1 11 12
52 1 7 8
53 7 20 27
54 4 22 26
55 3 22 25
56 1 16 17
61 4 18 22
62 3 25 28
63 1 20 21
64 3 7 10
65 2 7 9
66 7 12 19
71 7 8 15
72 1 8 9
73 7 11 18
74 4 23 27
75 1 15 16
76 2 19 21
81 1 20 21
82 4 24 28
83 3 23 26
84 1 13 14
85 5 9 14
86 4 18 22