What is a One-Person, Time-Limited Relay?

1.  Each person (or group that starts together) will start on a moderate-length course which has its last control reasonably near the start/finish.  This is the first leg of the relay.  Upon reaching this last control, the person must make a decision about whether to do another leg of the relay or to simply go to the finish.  The decision should be based on the time remaining and what the course for the second leg looks like.

2.  Maps for the second leg of the relay will be placed at the last control of the first leg in a CLEAR plastic bag; the second leg will be another course whose last control is near the finish.

3. Each person is required to return to the finish no more than 90-100 minutes after the initial start.  Actual time limit yet to be decided.

4.  If the person decides to do a second leg, he/she/they must leave the first-leg map at the last control in the WHITE plastic bag , take a map for the second leg and continue.

5.  At the last control of the second leg of the relay, the person must make the same decision again; that is, decide whether to do the third leg or simply go to the finish.

6. There are only three legs in the relay; so, at the end of the third leg, the person goes to the finish regardless of what the time is.

Results:  There will be three sets of results, for those who do one leg, for those who do two, and for those who do all three legs.  If a person gives up on any relay leg, the results will show him/her as a DNF in the appropriate set of results; so the decision to do or not do the next leg must be made seriously. If a person finishes more than 10 minutes late (past the time limit), s/he will be disqualified and be listed as a DSQ regardless of how many legs s/he has completed.