WPOC worked with DCNR and the Friends of Prince Gallitzin S.P. to set up three permanent orienteering courses in 2013. All three courses begin and end in Muskrat Beach Area 3. The courses use a cross-country approach; that is, there the controls must be visited in a specified sequence; there are 10 controls on each course. The beginner course (controls 1 through 10) is 2.47 km long and provides an easy introduction to the sport. The intermediate course (controls 11 thourgh 20) is 4 km long and gets the participant off trail a little and provides opportunities for going off-trail on several legs. The advanced course (controls 21 through 30) is 5.78 km long and presents some significant navigational and route choice challenges to the participant. As you visit the controls, you should write the code letter from the control stand on the control card portion of the instructions. You can check the code letters for correctness by going to the Park Office lobby area and looking for the "Orienteering" section of the display.
The maps and instructions for using for
each course are available through the Orienteering display at the park office. You can also get the maps and instructions
through the following links:
Beginner Map | Beginner Instructions |
Intermediate Map | Intermediate Instructions |
Advanced Map | Advanced Instructions |
The park office is about 18 miles north
of Cresson on State Park Rd off Route 53. The lead you to the
Muskrat Beach Area 3, starting place for both courses. You can find
out more about Prince Gallitzin SP at the park's website: Prince