IUP Co-Op Recreational Park Results

Date:               24 April 1994
Course Setters:     Jim Wolfe, Ray Tuttle, Jennifer Toward, Ed Dalton
Meet Director:      Jim Wolfe

The 1994 Western PA Championships were held using the IUP club's new 1:10000 map of the IUP Co-Op Recreational Park, which is just outside Indiana, PA.  The map was drawn by Mark Adams and printed by Hamilton-Newell.  Though small, it was hailed as a first class O-map by the competitors.  With the help of Mark Frank and a map printer borrowed from DVOA, all courses for the event were pre-printed.

The temperatures were near 70°; and the competitors appreciated the well stocked water points.  With no rain for several days prior to the meet, conditions in the woods were nearly ideal, far from the very wet conditions that are much more common for Indiana in spring.

The staged start was run by Jennifer Toward, who was recently named to the 1994 US team for the Student World Championships, and Takako Nittoh, who was named alternate to the same team.  Start times and registration were handled by Ray Tuttle and Ed Dalton.  The finish was run by Paul Thompson and Matt Winkelbauer.  Everyone did a great job and things ran nearly flawlessly.

Eight IUP alumni returned to compete on the new map:  Mark Frank, Eric Weyman, Paul Deprator, Denise (Monahan) Carles, Diane (Dengler) Clifford, John Service, Kevin Hunter, and Marlene Hatch.  We appreciated all of these former club members returning for this event.  They found the new map a vast improvement over the maps of the Co-Op Park that they used when they were with the IUP club.

Everyone seemed to have a good time.  The competitors all agreed that the meet went well.  Our thanks to everyone who came.

                                    -Tim Gilbert

White,  1.7 km,      50 m climb,      8 controls

Derek Cottrell                                   25:32
Tom Bell                                            27:50
Mary & Robert Frank     DVOA       31:00
Mike Mackuliak                                34:59
Scott Sspadotor             IUPOC      35:34
Charles Family              DVOA       38:30
Addison Cole                DVOA       39:02
Matthew O'Neil                                41:00
Gary Toward                                    47:43
Machael Family                               53:26
Harry Seibel                                     61:20
Deb McFarland                               70:10
Martin Phelps                                  81:04
Brandon Nicely                               81:05
John Cowan                                    81:06
Clifford Family                                DSQ

Yellow,  2.7 km,      100 m climb,      8 controls

Mike Keltz                             33:27
Jeremy Johnston                  43:15
Jason Silvis                           44:22
James Brunner                     45:22
Mike Keltz, Sr                        45:25
Derek Cottrell                       49:55
Tom Bell                                52:25
Jim Keller                              55:25
John Spencer                       55:37
Mike Mackuliak                    57:55
Chris Mackuliak                   59:55
Harry Seibel                         68:43
Matthew O'Neil                    75:20
Ben McFarland                    83:17
Dan Fulton                            84:18
Keith Fulton                          85:15
Dan Simmons                      87:43
Kris Zaragosa                      87:45
Shannon Simmons              87:57
Mike Camilli                         91:07
Matt Kopchick                     93:20
George Jones                   136:00
Pat McFarland                  141:43

Orange,  4.14 km,      175 m climb,      9 controls

Mark Pappal                 IUPOC          45:15
Chris Gross                  DVOA           49:14
Ken McFarland                                 157:37
Shannon Simmons                           162:02
Kris Zaragosa                                   164:20
Barbara Howistak                            169:58
Bob & Bev Dodson                          169:58
Tom Knapp                                         DSQ
Scott Spadotor                                    DNF
Jim Keller                                             DNF
Dan Simmons                                     DNF

Green,  4.97 km,      220 m climb,      10 controls

Chip Nippert                DVOA               60:06
Bob Wilkinson             DVOA               72:39
Antonia Lombori         DVOA               91:26
Bob Gross                   DVOA               93:50
Dave Irving                  WROC               99:43
Kent Ringo                  DVOA              102:12
Marlene Hatch             IUPOC            112:36
John Williams              DVOA             112:49
Kevin Hunter                QOC               115:25
Kenneth Blackledge   DVOA             120:12
Julie Weeks                 QOC               127:47
Karen Dennis              WROC            140:05
Randy Fasenmyer      WROC              DSQ

Red,  6.44 km,      270 m climb,      15 controls

Eric Weyman             DVOA           56:36
Mike Ball                    SVO              69:59
Jim Eagleton              DVOA          79:11
Mark Frank                 DVOA          79:20
Francis Hogle III         QOC             95:30
Ilia Antipov                                        96:35
David Levine              SVO           105:20
Marit Davis                 QOC          124:39
Paul Deprator                                161:00
John Service                                  161:00