University Farm IUPOC Orienteering Results 20 September 1998 White Course 2.27 km 1. Les Oakshott IUP 24:54 2. Josh Buterbaugh United 33:00 3. Adam Shetler United 35:00 4. M. Bradbury & L. McKittrick IUP 38:55 5. Shawn Heming United 50:10 6. A. King & E. Carney United 52:10 7. Charles Harasty United 55:58 8. Stephanie Fitzgerald United 58:10 9. Joe O'Brien United 69:35 Yellow Course 2.92 km 1. Al & Tick Shaeffer PSU 67:20 2. Dave McGaughey group United 91:00 3. Gotwald & Kibler IUP 96:00 4. John Lundberg BSA 97:00 5. Josh Buterbaugh United 98:00 6. Cassius Fitzgerald BSA 121:00 7. Tom & Nathan Fitzgerald 124:00 8. Kegley & Meals CAP 132:00 9. Adam Shetler United DNF Score Course 90 minutes 15 controls (10 each) -3/min late Controls Time Penalty Score 1. D. & M. Hinnebusch BSA 6 87:00 0 60 2. Vodarick & Itle IUP 6 90:00 0 60 3. Stewart & Susick IUP 6 91:00 -3 57 4. Samantha Zipp IUP 3 85:20 0 30 5. Clark & Kaufman IUP 9 114:00 -72 18 6. Kenny King Group United 4 97:50 -24 16 7. Brian Bender IUP 6 110:00 -60 0 8. John Durrant DVOA 5 110:28 -60 -10 9. Frazee & Edminston IUP 5 116:00 -78 -18 10. Matthews & Homa IUP 4 147:00 -171 -131
It turned out to be a warm, sunny day. Turnout was rather small for the White course. This was probably due to the Boy Scout event held the day before. There were more than the expected number of participants on the Score course as many IUP ROTC students came. There was a small problem with the Score course as one of the controls was misplaced, causing at least two competitors to lose some time.
To see the results of the previous meet, click on previous.