2. Election of Officers The following officers were nominated and seconded and elected by
acclamation, as there were no other nominations – each to a
two-year term.
President- Jim Wolfe
Vice President- Dave Battista
Secretary- Jennifer Livingston
3. Report on the Achievements of 2022
Six regular orienteering events were held along with one training day and two mini-rogaine events.
A permanent course was installed at Bradys Run in late 2021. A
map of Montour Woods was created for a group that wanted a permanent
course there; the group later changed its mind.
Five orienteering workshops or demonstrations were held.
Minor updates were made to club maps in areas where events were
held during the year. Minor updates were also made to the Babcock map
in anticipation of next year’s mini-rogaine.
Alexis Rzewski finished field checking and drawing the South Park map and our first event there was held in September.
4. Thank You
WPOC thanked the 6 Meet Directors (Shank, Livingston, Rzewski,
Logan, Knecht, and Wolfe), 3 Vetters (Battista, Strat, Wolfe), 2
Workshop Presenters (Livingston, Wolfe), and all the Meet Volunteers
for their many hours of service to the club.
Special Thanks also go to Volunteer Coordinator Ryan Knecht,
Membership Coordinator Sherry Shank, Event Coordinator Giuseppina
Mecchia, Social Media/Photographer Alexis Rzewski, Facebook Connection
Naomi Jarvis, and Equipment Repairman Ryan Knecht for their time and
5. Report on Board Actions in 2022
There were no voted-on Board actions in 2022.
There were discussions of acquiring the latest version of OCAD; however, there was no follow-through on that.
There was discussion on a donation to the Purple Pen creator
because we have been using the software for some time. A donation was
The club web site continues to evolve, although not as dramatically as last year.
6. Financial Report
A financial report was made for WPOC through November 2022. A
complete report for 2022 will be sent to the membership in January 2023
after the fiscal year is completed. The report shows the club to be
financially stable.
A discussion was held regarding membership and event fees. See new business below for details.
7. A Discussion of Goals for 2022
WPOC discussed the goals for next year to include holding as
many local events as possible (preferably 7 or 8) as well as
Raccoongaine and Babcock Bog and Boulder Challenge.
WPOC will continue to provide workshops and promotional events for orienteering.
WPOC wants to continue to increase club membership and volunteerism at meets.
8. New Business
A discussion regarding event fees was held. Proposal was made by
Jim Wolfe to charge $1 extra to anyone who does not preregister for an
event. This would include club members who volunteer and would
otherwise be able to participate on a course for free. If a person
preregisters but changes their mind as to which course to do, the $1
fee would not be charged because they did preregister. The idea is to
promote preregistering in order to make the best guess possible as to
how many maps to prepare for each course of each event. Concerns about
this not being enough of a motivation or about more confusing for the
registration volunteers was discussed. A motion was made and seconded
and voted on. The motion carried with 12 votes for and 2 votes against.
The board will monitor how the $1 fee is working in 2023.
Information was given regarding the upcoming Annual General
Meeting of OUSA and some of the changes in fee structure that they were
considering. It was explained that the current options they are
considering should not impact our club drastically.
Jim Wolfe passed around the 2021 issue of OUSA annual review and
explained that the national organization asked for club input on
whether clubs would want to receive promotional copies of the 2022
issue and how many if they are free and how many if the clubs had to
purchase them. There was a consensus that the club should get 10 copies
even if we had to pay for them.
It was decided to replace faded and worn-out controls with a new
set that has the blue stripe for accommodating participants with color
Jim Wolfe announced that QOC was soliciting WPOC participation
in the Mid-Atlantic Championships. There was a brief discussion about
what this event usually entails. Wolfe said he would send all members a
notice of the event when the web page describing the event was complete.